Taking Care of an Air Plant in 7 Simple Steps

Updated: February 10, 2023

Taking Care of an Air Plant in 7 Simple Steps

Have you considered growing Air Plants?

Air plants, also known as Tillandsia, are a unique type of plant that has become extremely well-known in recent years. Not only do air plants require little maintenance and water, but they also add an interesting aesthetic to any living space. With the right care and attention, these stunning plants can be appreciated for many years, making them a great option for home decor.


Types of Air Plants

Air plants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be found with long trailing leaves or round rosettes, and their foliage can be anywhere from bright green to deep purple. Some varieties even have silvery grayish leaves that are covered in scales. Regardless of your type, air plants require minimal care and will bring a unique touch to your home decor or office space.

Taking Care of An Air Plant in 7 Simple Steps

Air plants might be low maintenance, but it still needs plant care. It might seem daunting at first, but it is quite easy once you get the hang of it. Here are seven simple steps to help you better understand how to take care of them:


1. Provide adequate light

To ensure healthy growth and beautiful blooms, plants should be kept in bright filtered light. Avoid leaving them in direct sunlight during the afternoon hours during the summer as it can lead to sunburn. Inside, keep plants no more than 3 feet away from windows for maximum exposure. Full spectrum artificial light such as fluorescent is best for your plants and should be placed no closer than 36 inches but you can extend it up to 6 feet if necessary.

2. Water regularly

For best results and optimum growth, your tillandsia should be thoroughly watered 2-3 times per week (April - October). The frequency of watering should depend on the environment; water more often in hot and dry climates, and less often in cool and humid areas. To ensure proper drying for 4 hours, water the plant in the morning. Do not soak the plant. The optimum temperature range for your plant is between 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Air plants need to be watered once every week or two, depending on the humidity in your home. To water an air plant, soak it in a bowl of room-temperature rainwater for about 30 minutes and then allow it to dry upside down before replacing it in its spot.


3. Mist the leaves

Misting is an important part of caring for an air plant as it helps provide extra hydration when the environment is particularly dry. A good rule of thumb is to mist at least twice a week using either distilled or filtered water.

4. Provide airflow

 Air plants need good airflow to thrive, so make sure to place them near a window or other airy spot.

5. Fertilize occasionally

Fertilizing air plants isn't mandatory. However, it can make a big difference in their growth and health. For best results, consider using either an air plant-specific or bromeliad fertilizer a few times a year. Regular houseplant fertilizer can also be used at 1/4 of the recommended strength. You can add diluted fertilizer to your irrigation water. This will feed and water the plants simultaneously.

 Air plants should be fertilized every six weeks with an all-purpose fertilizer diluted to half strength. Ensure not to over fertilize, as this can put unnecessary stress on the plant.

6. Prune dead foliage

 As air plants age, their old leaves tend to die off, making it necessary to prune them back for new growth. To do this, simply use sharp scissors or tweezers and snip off dead leaves at their base.

7. Use proper airplant holders

 When displaying air plants, it is important to use proper holders that will provide the optimal environment and support for your plants. Planet Desert provides a selection of stylish and durable air plant holders. They are designed with holes in the holder so air can circulate freely and water can drain out. 

Frequent Mistakes People Make When Taking Care of an Air Plant

  • Not providing adequate light: Air plants need bright, indirect light to thrive. If your air plant lacks light, it will become pale and leggy.
  • Overwatering: Air plants should be soaked once a week or two, depending on the humidity levels in your home. It's easier to damage air plants through overwatering than under-watering, as they are prone to rotting if left in standing water for a long period. To water them properly, you can opt for misting or soaking. For misting, spray your air plant with a spray bottle until it is dripping wet from all angles. If you live in an arid climate, consider implementing a deeper soaking routine instead - just fill a bowl or bucket with dechlorinated water and let you air plant sit in the water for just five to ten minutes.
  • Not providing good airflow: Air plants need good air circulation and fresh air to grow, so make sure they are placed near an open window or another airy spot.
  •  Fertilizing too often: Air plants should only be fertilized every six weeks with a diluted all-purpose fertilizer and never overfertilized. It is important to follow the dosage instructions when fertilizing your air plants, as too much fertilizer can damage them. Air plants can live easily without additional fertilizer, especially if you use rain water or other freshwater to mist or soak them. However, incorporating a fertilizer into your air plant's care regimen will encourage growth and blooming. Use a water-soluble orchid or bromeliad fertilizer in their water once every month for best results.
  •  Not repotting when necessary: Repotting is only necessary if the air plant has outgrown its current pot. 

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your air plant is healthy and thriving for many years. With just a bit of effort and care, you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of this unique plant in your home or office space! Good luck!


Benefits of Getting an Air Plant

Aside from looking great and requiring minimal maintenance, air plants also have other benefits. They are non-toxic and hypoallergenic, making them a great choice for people who have sensitivities or allergies to certain types of plants.

These healthy plants can help to purify the air in your home by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, improving the overall quality of the air you breathe. Lastly, they are naturally drought tolerant, requiring less water than most other houseplants, making them a great choice for busy homeowners who may not always be around to give their plants the attention they need.

In conclusion, air plants are an excellent addition to any home due to their unique look and low-maintenance requirements. Air plants thrive with proper care and attention, and you can enjoy the beauty of an air plant for many years to come! So adding one (or two) to your living space will totally make it stand out. If you’re wondering where is the best online store to buy from, then Planet Desert got it for you. We have various types of air plants to choose from.

1 comment

  • Rhonda

    I have these air plants that grow on the trees here. I only picked up the ones on the branches that fell on the ground. When I spray them and soak them on occasion I can see green branches/stems. Do I remove the dried out branches and remove the tree branches? They are called Tillandsia Recurvata.

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