Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii
Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii

Introducing the Thornless Crown of Thorns, scientifically known as Euphorbia geroldii, is a fascinating succulent plant that is admired for its unique characteristics. Unlike its spikier relatives Euphorbia milii, this particular variety of Crown of Thorns is thornless, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a safer and more gentle Euphorbia plant. It is also known as thornless Euphorbia and Gerold's Spurge.  

This Euphorbia spurge features thick, fleshy stems that grow upright, reaching heights of up to 2 feet. Its stems are typically a vibrant green in color, providing a refreshing and lively appearance. This crown of thorns plant has glossy green leaves that are small and oval-shaped, arranged along the stems in an alternating pattern, making it a true showstopper.  

 The flower of Euphorbia geroldii are one of its standout features; they are in the shape of a saucer (mostly red with a yellow center) with an alluring hue. It produces clusters of small, vibrant blooms that can range in color from shades of pink, red, orange, and even yellow. These colorful flowers add a delightful pop of color to the thornless crown of thorns plant and attract pollinators such as butterflies. 

This Euphorbia succulent is safe to touch, but it's important to use caution when handling it because the sap within is mildly toxic if consumed in large amounts. Overall, Euphorbia geroldii is a captivating and low-maintenance succulent that brings beauty and charm to any space. Its thornless nature, vibrant flowers, and attractive foliage make it a popular choice among succulent enthusiasts. 

Watering Needs

The thornless crown of thorns has moderate watering needs. It is important to allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot. A good rule of thumb is to water this crown of thorns plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.  

When watering in the growing season, which is typically in spring and summer, it is best to thoroughly soak the soil and let the excess water drain out. Avoid leaving this succulent plant sitting in standing water, as this can also cause root rot. During the winter months or when the plant is in a dormant phase, it may require less frequent watering. 

Remember, it's always better to underwater than to overwater succulents like Euphorbia geroldii. Observing the crown of Thorns' plant's response and adjusting watering accordingly is key to maintaining its health and preventing any water-related issues. 

Light Requirement 

The Thornless Crown of Thorns, Euphorbia geroldii, thrives in bright, direct sunlight. It enjoys being placed in a location where it can receive six hours of bright light each day. A sunny windowsill or a spot near a window with a sheer curtain can be ideal for this crown of thorns. 

While Euphorbia geroldii enjoys sunlight, it is important to protect it from intense afternoon direct sunlight, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Too much direct sunlight over 6 hours of the day can scorch the leaves and cause damage to the crown of thorns plant. If you notice the leaves turning yellow or brown, it may be a sign that it is receiving too much direct sunlight. 

If you find that your thornless crown of thorns is not receiving enough light, you can supplement its light requirements with artificial grow lights. LED grow lights are a popular choice as they provide the necessary light spectrum for this flowering spurge growth without generating excessive heat. 

Remember, finding the right balance of light is crucial for the Crown of Thorns plant care. Providing it with bright light will help it thrive and maintain its vibrant appearance. 

Optimal Soil & Fertilizer Needs

For the Thornless Crown of Thorns, well-draining soil is essential. A mix of cactus or succulent soil combined with perlite or coarse sand works well. This type of soil allows excess water to drain away, preventing the roots from sitting in water and potentially rotting. Instead, make or buy a well-draining potting mix, or ideally, use our specialized succulent potting mix that contains 5 natural substrates and mycorrhizae to promote the development of a strong root system that helps your succulent to thrive.  

When it comes to fertilizing, Euphorbia geroldii doesn't have high nutrient requirements. A balanced fertilizer of NPK (5-10-5) for succulents can be used. During the active growing season, which is typically spring, you can fertilize once a year. However, it's important to avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to salt build-up and damage to the crown of the Thorns plant. 

Hardiness Zone & More 

Euphorbia geroldii prefers warm conditions and is generally suitable for USDA hardiness zones 9-11, where temperatures typically stay above freezing. 

It can tolerate temperatures between 60-85°F. It's important to protect the plant from frost and cold drafts, as they can damage or kill the plant. 

As for humidity, this crown of thorns' is adaptable to a range of humidity levels. It can tolerate both dry and moderately humid environments. However, it's generally best to provide average indoor humidity levels, around 40-60%. Remember, these are general guidelines, and it's always a good idea to observe how your specific plant responds to its environment and make adjustments accordingly. 

At Planet Desert, we're proud to offer Euphorbia geroldii - the crown of thorns plant for sale online so that gardening enthusiasts everywhere can enjoy its beauty. 

Bloom Season Summer
Botanical Name Euphorbia Geroldii
Common Name Thornless crown of thorns
Dormancy Winter
Family Euphorbiaceae
Flower Color Pink, red, orange, yellow
Genus Euphorbia
Growth Habit Shrubby, upright
Growth Rate Moderate
Hardiness Zone 9, 10, 11
Mature Size Up to 2 ft. tall
Native Area Southern Africa
Plant Type Perennial succulent
Propagation By stem, leaf cuttings
Resistance Drought tolerant, heat resistant, pest resistant, deer resistant
Soil PH 6.5, Acidic, Neutral
Soil Type specialized succulent potting mix
Special Features Showy flowers
Sun Exposure Full sun, Partial shade
Toxicity Mildly toxic for humans, mildly toxic for pets
Watering Needs Low

Pests & Common Problems of Thornless Crown of Thorns

Pests and common problems can sometimes affect the Thornless Crown of Thorns. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealybugs and spider mites. If you notice any signs of pest infestation, you can gently wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to help control these pests. 

The common problems are:  

Root rot: Overwatering can be a common problem with this crown of thorns plant. Make sure to allow the soil to dry out between waterings and avoid letting the Euphorbia plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot. 

Leaf Drop: This can occur if your Euphorbia succulent is exposed to sudden changes in temperature or if it is placed in a drafty location. Try to provide a stable environment for your Thornless Crown of Thorns to prevent leaf drops. 

Remember, regular inspection, proper watering, and providing a stable environment can help prevent and address common problems with Euphorbia geroldii. 

FAQs - Thornless Crown of Thorns Plant

Is Euphorbia geroldii poisonous? 

Yes, Euphorbia geroldii, the Thornless Crown of Thorns, is safe to touch, but it's important to use caution when handling it because the sap within is mildly toxic if consumed in large amounts.   

It's crucial to treat the plant gently and keep it away from young children and pets. Seek medical assistance right away if you accidentally consume something. 

How do you take care of the thornless Crown of Thorns? 

To care for the thornless crown of thorns (Euphorbia geroldii), provide bright, full sunlight for at least 4-6 hours daily with minimal watering. Use well-draining soil and maintain a warm environment between 60-85°F in USDA zones 9-11.  

Occasionally, use fertilizer with a balanced NPK (5-10-5) in spring, trim dead or damaged branches, and monitor for pests like mealybugs and spider mites. Observe your crown of thorns plant's unique response to its environment and adjust care accordingly. 

What are the characteristics of Euphorbia geroldii Thornless crown of Thorns? 

Euphorbia geroldii, also known as the Thornless Crown of Thorns, is a low-maintenance succulent with thick, fleshy leaves. It is thornless, making it safer for households with children or pets. It is characterized by its unique and striking appearance, featuring thick, cylindrical stems with prominent spines and a vibrant green color.  

Euphorbia geroldii produces colorful flowers that bloom throughout the year. It is adapted to arid conditions and can tolerate drought, but its milky sap can be toxic if ingested or in contact with skin. Overall, it is a popular choice for indoor or outdoor gardens. 

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Thornless Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia geroldii

sku: 2331

1 review
Regular price$ 29.29

Free Shipping on all orders over $89*

Height: 8" - 10"
Diameter: 8" - 10"

Please note: All Landscape Ready plants that are in a 6-inch pot or larger WILL NOT come with a pot as it will be shipped bare root.

  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Inventory on the way

Please note: Our large plants are many years old, and as a result, they might have minor scaring but will arrive 100% healthy and looking great.

Please note: Our large plants are shipped bare root. They are also many years old, and as a result, they might have minor scaring but will arrive healthy and looking great.

Detailed description of this plant is below...

If you live in a cold climate and are expecting temperatures below 40 degrees within the next five days after placing your order, we highly recommend adding a heat pack to your order. If you do not order a heat pack, we do not send one with your order.



To prevent plants from freezing while in transit, orders placed for areas with extreme severe freezing temperatures will be held for shipment until it is safe to ship.

Continental US.

Plants that are in 3.5" pots and smaller will be shipped in its pot to prevent any damage to the roots.

Any plant that is 6" and larger WILL NOT come with a pot as it will be shipped bare root.

Depending on the species and season, you will receive a very similar plant to the one in the picture. It may or may not be blooming at the time of your purchase.

We ship via USPS Priority Mail, If you don't get Free Shipping, then we calculate the shipping cost based on the weight and volume of your purchase.

Care instructions are included in every package you order. Please allow us up to 3 business days to process your order. Depending on your location, we will ship the plants on a certain day to avoid transit time during weekends or holidays. If you wish to receive your order on a specific date, or have special instructions, please add a note on your order. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time.

  • Description
  • Key Plant Features

Introducing the Thornless Crown of Thorns, scientifically known as Euphorbia geroldii, is a fascinating succulent plant that is admired for its unique characteristics. Unlike its spikier relatives Euphorbia milii, this particular variety of Crown of Thorns is thornless, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a safer and more gentle Euphorbia plant. It is also known as thornless Euphorbia and Gerold's Spurge.  

This Euphorbia spurge features thick, fleshy stems that grow upright, reaching heights of up to 2 feet. Its stems are typically a vibrant green in color, providing a refreshing and lively appearance. This crown of thorns plant has glossy green leaves that are small and oval-shaped, arranged along the stems in an alternating pattern, making it a true showstopper.  

 The flower of Euphorbia geroldii are one of its standout features; they are in the shape of a saucer (mostly red with a yellow center) with an alluring hue. It produces clusters of small, vibrant blooms that can range in color from shades of pink, red, orange, and even yellow. These colorful flowers add a delightful pop of color to the thornless crown of thorns plant and attract pollinators such as butterflies. 

This Euphorbia succulent is safe to touch, but it's important to use caution when handling it because the sap within is mildly toxic if consumed in large amounts. Overall, Euphorbia geroldii is a captivating and low-maintenance succulent that brings beauty and charm to any space. Its thornless nature, vibrant flowers, and attractive foliage make it a popular choice among succulent enthusiasts. 

Watering Needs

The thornless crown of thorns has moderate watering needs. It is important to allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot. A good rule of thumb is to water this crown of thorns plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.  

When watering in the growing season, which is typically in spring and summer, it is best to thoroughly soak the soil and let the excess water drain out. Avoid leaving this succulent plant sitting in standing water, as this can also cause root rot. During the winter months or when the plant is in a dormant phase, it may require less frequent watering. 

Remember, it's always better to underwater than to overwater succulents like Euphorbia geroldii. Observing the crown of Thorns' plant's response and adjusting watering accordingly is key to maintaining its health and preventing any water-related issues. 

Light Requirement 

The Thornless Crown of Thorns, Euphorbia geroldii, thrives in bright, direct sunlight. It enjoys being placed in a location where it can receive six hours of bright light each day. A sunny windowsill or a spot near a window with a sheer curtain can be ideal for this crown of thorns. 

While Euphorbia geroldii enjoys sunlight, it is important to protect it from intense afternoon direct sunlight, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Too much direct sunlight over 6 hours of the day can scorch the leaves and cause damage to the crown of thorns plant. If you notice the leaves turning yellow or brown, it may be a sign that it is receiving too much direct sunlight. 

If you find that your thornless crown of thorns is not receiving enough light, you can supplement its light requirements with artificial grow lights. LED grow lights are a popular choice as they provide the necessary light spectrum for this flowering spurge growth without generating excessive heat. 

Remember, finding the right balance of light is crucial for the Crown of Thorns plant care. Providing it with bright light will help it thrive and maintain its vibrant appearance. 

Optimal Soil & Fertilizer Needs

For the Thornless Crown of Thorns, well-draining soil is essential. A mix of cactus or succulent soil combined with perlite or coarse sand works well. This type of soil allows excess water to drain away, preventing the roots from sitting in water and potentially rotting. Instead, make or buy a well-draining potting mix, or ideally, use our specialized succulent potting mix that contains 5 natural substrates and mycorrhizae to promote the development of a strong root system that helps your succulent to thrive.  

When it comes to fertilizing, Euphorbia geroldii doesn't have high nutrient requirements. A balanced fertilizer of NPK (5-10-5) for succulents can be used. During the active growing season, which is typically spring, you can fertilize once a year. However, it's important to avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to salt build-up and damage to the crown of the Thorns plant. 

Hardiness Zone & More 

Euphorbia geroldii prefers warm conditions and is generally suitable for USDA hardiness zones 9-11, where temperatures typically stay above freezing. 

It can tolerate temperatures between 60-85°F. It's important to protect the plant from frost and cold drafts, as they can damage or kill the plant. 

As for humidity, this crown of thorns' is adaptable to a range of humidity levels. It can tolerate both dry and moderately humid environments. However, it's generally best to provide average indoor humidity levels, around 40-60%. Remember, these are general guidelines, and it's always a good idea to observe how your specific plant responds to its environment and make adjustments accordingly. 

At Planet Desert, we're proud to offer Euphorbia geroldii - the crown of thorns plant for sale online so that gardening enthusiasts everywhere can enjoy its beauty. 

Bloom Season Summer
Botanical Name Euphorbia Geroldii
Common Name Thornless crown of thorns
Dormancy Winter
Family Euphorbiaceae
Flower Color Pink, red, orange, yellow
Genus Euphorbia
Growth Habit Shrubby, upright
Growth Rate Moderate
Hardiness Zone 9, 10, 11
Mature Size Up to 2 ft. tall
Native Area Southern Africa
Plant Type Perennial succulent
Propagation By stem, leaf cuttings
Resistance Drought tolerant, heat resistant, pest resistant, deer resistant
Soil PH 6.5, Acidic, Neutral
Soil Type specialized succulent potting mix
Special Features Showy flowers
Sun Exposure Full sun, Partial shade
Toxicity Mildly toxic for humans, mildly toxic for pets
Watering Needs Low

Pests & Common Problems of Thornless Crown of Thorns

Pests and common problems can sometimes affect the Thornless Crown of Thorns. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealybugs and spider mites. If you notice any signs of pest infestation, you can gently wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to help control these pests. 

The common problems are:  

Root rot: Overwatering can be a common problem with this crown of thorns plant. Make sure to allow the soil to dry out between waterings and avoid letting the Euphorbia plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot. 

Leaf Drop: This can occur if your Euphorbia succulent is exposed to sudden changes in temperature or if it is placed in a drafty location. Try to provide a stable environment for your Thornless Crown of Thorns to prevent leaf drops. 

Remember, regular inspection, proper watering, and providing a stable environment can help prevent and address common problems with Euphorbia geroldii. 

FAQs - Thornless Crown of Thorns Plant

Is Euphorbia geroldii poisonous? 

Yes, Euphorbia geroldii, the Thornless Crown of Thorns, is safe to touch, but it's important to use caution when handling it because the sap within is mildly toxic if consumed in large amounts.   

It's crucial to treat the plant gently and keep it away from young children and pets. Seek medical assistance right away if you accidentally consume something. 

How do you take care of the thornless Crown of Thorns? 

To care for the thornless crown of thorns (Euphorbia geroldii), provide bright, full sunlight for at least 4-6 hours daily with minimal watering. Use well-draining soil and maintain a warm environment between 60-85°F in USDA zones 9-11.  

Occasionally, use fertilizer with a balanced NPK (5-10-5) in spring, trim dead or damaged branches, and monitor for pests like mealybugs and spider mites. Observe your crown of thorns plant's unique response to its environment and adjust care accordingly. 

What are the characteristics of Euphorbia geroldii Thornless crown of Thorns? 

Euphorbia geroldii, also known as the Thornless Crown of Thorns, is a low-maintenance succulent with thick, fleshy leaves. It is thornless, making it safer for households with children or pets. It is characterized by its unique and striking appearance, featuring thick, cylindrical stems with prominent spines and a vibrant green color.  

Euphorbia geroldii produces colorful flowers that bloom throughout the year. It is adapted to arid conditions and can tolerate drought, but its milky sap can be toxic if ingested or in contact with skin. Overall, it is a popular choice for indoor or outdoor gardens. 

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